January 4, 2024

Planning For More In 2024

Happy New Year, folks!  

Planning for bigger and better in 2024? Us, too. Whatever goals and resolutions you're committing to, you're going to rock it! Just remember to make them 'SMART': specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. For example, 'I will commit to 30 minutes of physical exercise for at least five days each week'. Or 'I will commit to saving $50 more to my Dream Home Savings Account from every paycheck'.


If you need a bit of inspiration, read on:

I will commit to journaling about my financial goals and dreams for at least 5 minutes daily.  Have big plans like starting your business to planning a big vacation? Documenting your thoughts is essential. Try writing about money goals you have daily to reinforce your commitment.

I will commit to 30 minutes monthly with a financial coach. Do you meet with a therapist? What about a physical trainer? Talking to an expert regularly helps keep you close to your goals while ensuring you have a plan in place to reach them, too.

I will commit to 15 minutes weekly to plan for my retirement. If not now, then when? It's never too early to start planning for life after work. Start by doing your own research on the different options available to you, and then set up time with a wealth advisor to dive into the details. BCU | Wealth Advisors


Whatever your focus is, make sure to start small and implement a process that's easy. You got this! We’re here to help.

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